Friday, July 1, 2022

Learning in Calm or Storm . . .

“There are some things you learn best in calm, and some in storm."

– Willa Cather, The Song of the Lark

I've been weighing whether or not to dip my toes—my busy typing fingers, in reality—into more political journalism because of the huge role politics are playing right now around the world, in our nation, and even in my home state, Arizona. 

I decided to not follow up on any of my previous political or social awareness posts with a recap except in brief. Local news grabbed my attention late yesterday evening with a headline that Arizona Senate President Karen Fann has been subpoenaed by the FBI to "release records believed related to former President Donald Trump's effort to stay in power after losing the 2020 election." 

This ongoing investigation is gratifying to see because so often when things go politically awry in our country, there aren't necessarily enough investigations nor consequences meted out. I'm happy to see this particular investigation finally arrive in Arizona. It means that the DOJ is active and paying attention to possible crimes committed by our former chief executive. Many citizens are watching and waiting both patiently and impatiently for justice to be meted out for the ongoing false accusations of 2020 election fraud. 

I posted last July about a personal experience I had with Ms. Fann in 2007 when she was mayor of Chino Valley, Arizona and I was a resident living in an unincorporated area of Yavapai County adjacent to the town. That incident gave me a bit of insight into Fann's character that was underscored over a decade later by her support of a spurious and unprofessional audit of Maricopa County's ballots after three legit, professional audits showed no significant fraud in the largest Arizona county's 2020 election results. 

There's certainly a lot of "truth" and Truth being batted around lately, and it remains to be seen which one prevails. I have a strong hunch that Truth will eventually rise to the occasion despite the weighty and spurious claims from a deeply entrenched national cult that continues to support a deeply flawed man who has long been known as a malignant narcissist. Truth has a way of appearing in its own time and on its own terms no matter the circumstances. We're experiencing quite a performance on the world stage now as karma ripens and secrets are revealed. 

So, this post is my concession to publicly politicking in a new essay. I spend far too much time sharing my political views and remarks on social media, to the detriment of my creative life. On the other hand, when DJT announced in his candidacy for US president in 2015, I knew I'd devote considerable time and effort to clarify my understanding of who he really is. And even more so after the 2016 presidential election. I just didn't know HOW much time and energy I'd devote, nor that this effort would extend for seven years. Or that the situation may extend far beyond 2022. Lately, it's looking as if we're in for a few more years of political turmoil because of extremist far-right politics that don't support the highest and the best for the largest numbers of beings, but that's another story for another day.

Does it even seem possible that half of 2022 is behind us? Here's wishing you all a serene remainder of the year and the strength to confront whatever obstacles lie ahead! This first day of the new month under a new moon reminds me that it's high time for many big changes in our collective and personal lives. We will continue to learn, whether in calm or in storm . . . 

Photo © by Puja Robinson, 2010

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