Wednesday, July 1, 2020

Smashwords 12th Annual July Summer / Winter Sale!

Whether it's Summer πŸ’¦  in the Northern Hemisphere or Winter  in the Southern Hemisphere, you can enjoy the hot 'n' cool Smashwords 12th Annual July Summer / Winter Sale! πŸ§¨

Looking for a heartwarming read while nesting in front of a fire? πŸ’– How about  a πŸ‘“ rousing thriller for that lazy day in the park, at the beach, or on the trail?
Smashwords carries over 60,000 ebooks with deep discounts πŸ›’of 25%, 50%, and 75% in your favorite ebook formats. Over 80,000 books at Smashwords are enrolled at the loooww price of FREE! πŸ˜―
Tootie-Do Press novel titles πŸ§§ - Heart of Desire: 11.11.11 Redux and Cryonic Man: A Paranormal Affair, plus our award-winning Tootie-Do Press Original - The Contest and Other Storiesa mash-up of quirky, connected magical realist, paranormal, and fantasy tales inspired by artwork🎨 - are all a hot 'n' cool 50% off in your favorite ebook formats. $.99 is a steal by any stretch of the imagination!
Not only that, all TDP ebook titles at Smashwords have snazzy, new interiors for your reading pleasure. πŸ±‍🏍Get up and get your downloads today - books are the best social distancing tools ever!

Quirky speculative fiction with a romantic twist!
πŸŽͺPS! Miss Tootie, our lovely canine editorial assistant, also highly recommends
Na Bolom: House of the Jaguar (Hidden Jungle Press, 2016), an exciting visionary eco-adventure by Forrest Hayes (think Carlos Castaneda meets Dan Brown!) πŸŽ­  available NOW at $.99, a hot 'n' cool 50% discount !

πŸŽ† We wish all beings prosperous, safe, happy, HEALTHY, and creative lives!

Friday, April 24, 2020

Loop Excerpt at Los Galesburg!

I'm pleased to announce that Los Galesburg, an independent novella publishing project co-founded by MFA students in the Publishing Seminar at Mount St. Mary’s in Los Angeles, has published an excerpt from my novella titled Loop: A Dream Novella. Muchas gracias to founding editor and publisher, Thomas Cook, for his hard work and patience!

Loop is an experimental piece created entirely from dreams during for my master's dissertation. Stay tuned for publication by Tootie-Do Press in Fall 2020!

Wednesday, March 4, 2020

Hurry Over to Smashwords Read an Ebook Week Sale!

Whether you're enjoying Spring  in the Northern Hemisphere or Autumn πŸ’¦in the Southern Hemisphere, there's still just a few days left of the hot 'n' cool Annual Smashwords Read an Ebook Week Sale! πŸ§¨

Looking for a heartwarming read while nesting in front of a fire? πŸ’– How about  a πŸ‘“ rousing thriller for that lazy day in the park or at the beach? 
Smashwords carries over 60,000 ebooks with deep discounts πŸ›’of 25%, 50%, and 75% in your favorite ebook formats. Over 80,000 books at Smashwords are enrolled at the loooww price of FREE! πŸ˜―
Tootie-Do Press novel titles πŸ§§ - Heart of Desire: 11.11.11 Redux and Cryonic Man: A Paranormal Affair, plus our award-winning Tootie-Do Press Original - The Contest and Other Storiesa mash-up of quirky, connected magical realist, paranormal, and fantasy tales inspired by artwork🎨 - are all a hot 'n' cool 50% off in your favorite ebook formats. That's a steal by any stretch of the imagination!
Not only that, all TDP ebook titles at Smashwords have snazzy, new interiors for your reading pleasure. πŸ±‍🏍Get up and get your downloads today - these loooowww prices are good through 7 March 2020!

Tootie Do Press
Quirky speculative fiction with a romantic twist!
πŸŽͺPS! Miss Tootie, our lovely canine editorial assistant, also highly recommends Na Bolom: House of the Jaguar (Hidden Jungle Press, 2016), an exciting visionary ecoadventure by Forrest Hayes (think Carlos Castaneda meets Dan Brown!) πŸŽ­  available NOW at a hot 'n' cool 50% discount !

πŸŽ† We wish all beings prosperous, safe, happy, HEALTHY, and creative lives!