Wednesday, March 4, 2020

Hurry Over to Smashwords Read an Ebook Week Sale!

Whether you're enjoying Spring  in the Northern Hemisphere or Autumn πŸ’¦in the Southern Hemisphere, there's still just a few days left of the hot 'n' cool Annual Smashwords Read an Ebook Week Sale! πŸ§¨

Looking for a heartwarming read while nesting in front of a fire? πŸ’– How about  a πŸ‘“ rousing thriller for that lazy day in the park or at the beach? 
Smashwords carries over 60,000 ebooks with deep discounts πŸ›’of 25%, 50%, and 75% in your favorite ebook formats. Over 80,000 books at Smashwords are enrolled at the loooww price of FREE! πŸ˜―
Tootie-Do Press novel titles πŸ§§ - Heart of Desire: 11.11.11 Redux and Cryonic Man: A Paranormal Affair, plus our award-winning Tootie-Do Press Original - The Contest and Other Storiesa mash-up of quirky, connected magical realist, paranormal, and fantasy tales inspired by artwork🎨 - are all a hot 'n' cool 50% off in your favorite ebook formats. That's a steal by any stretch of the imagination!
Not only that, all TDP ebook titles at Smashwords have snazzy, new interiors for your reading pleasure. πŸ±‍🏍Get up and get your downloads today - these loooowww prices are good through 7 March 2020!

Tootie Do Press
Quirky speculative fiction with a romantic twist!
πŸŽͺPS! Miss Tootie, our lovely canine editorial assistant, also highly recommends Na Bolom: House of the Jaguar (Hidden Jungle Press, 2016), an exciting visionary ecoadventure by Forrest Hayes (think Carlos Castaneda meets Dan Brown!) πŸŽ­  available NOW at a hot 'n' cool 50% discount !

πŸŽ† We wish all beings prosperous, safe, happy, HEALTHY, and creative lives!