I know, I know. My poor neglected blog.
I think about it and what to post next on it next at least weekly. And then I do nothing. And though I can come up with reasons, I'm not sure that any of these are really the reasons.
One major reason is that I devoted quite a lot of time since 2015 trying to prevent Mr. T from becoming president and then working to relieve our nation of him early. None of that worked, of course, but there were good reasons for trying, as I stated in my first and only blog post about the situation, started on the morning in Finland when I was attending a residency at the Arteles Creative Center while the votes were still being tallied on election night 2016 in the USA.
I probably should have devoted time and energy to blog posts as I filled timeline after timeline page on social media sites with relevant links and memes pertaining to American politics. Perhaps it's a somewhat relevant timeline history of the entire 45 administration - from my viewpoint, of course. Still, some editorial blog posting may have mattered more.
But tick tock - here we are.
I've also not done much new writing in this era. Fiction, poetry, or creative nonfiction, that is. I've devoted most of my writerly energy to editing and proofreading other authors' work and to reading and reviewing books. I've also done a surprising number (to me) of essays about narcissistic personality disorder on Quora. I've taken more solace in photography than in writing lately and have posted photographs regularly on my Instagram account. I've deliberately avoided monetizing my amateur photo bug and am super-content to just have fun with imagery.
Apparently my creative output just is what it is!
But some days I've seriously considered not participating in creative writing or any publishing industry-related work at all. I've often felt during the past year that I've come to the end of a long and winding road. But that's a story for another day. So far, I'm starting to pick the threads back up and have polished some flash stories and my unpublished novella and have submitted these to a few publishers and journals.
Another concern I've had lately is that my blog's name may mean something very different to people now than when I started it a decade ago. Jellyfish Day meant to me one of those emotionally difficult days in which nothing seems to go right. Or those days when depression hits, that dreary, inescapable underwater, muddy bottom feeling. Or sometimes a jellyfish day is just your random crappy day that you know will more than likely be followed by a decent or even a good day. A sundog day, if you will. Rainbows of any type still quality for smiles, I think!
It seems now that people are ardent admirers of jellyfish aesthetics. Lately the gelatinous creatures seem to be often-mentioned symbols of a watery, serene beauty of sorts. Which is only fair - they are quite striking, as my blog header photo (by Puja Robinson) illustrates. Jellyfish displays are among my favorites at aquariums! Perhaps I've been overly superficial and discriminatory toward jellyfish . . .
Guess it's time to rename the blog. Not only that - I definitely need a new website. Ten years ago, Blogger was popular and I was going to transform this blog into my new website. I never really finished and ultimately decided to keep both. I'm sorry to say that my website was totally outdated a decade ago. Now this blog truly a relic! In some ways it's sorta campy and retro . . . but . . .
Eventually I'll update my website and include a blog with it. Should I be colorful or twenty-first-century minimalist in black and white? Hmm . . . But today is not that day!
So without further adieu, I'll share some book marketing. Smashwords Annual Read an Ebook Week has started and runs from March 7 - 13!
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