I intend to return to normal blogging when the current push to publish is over. But good intentions sometimes are difficult to manifest in the physical world. Alas and alack, I'm constantly with nose to grindstone simply to meet basic living expenses, a fate many of us share, especially those who work in the arts and humanities. Sadly, our earnings no longer exceed the current housing, utility, food, and basic survival costs, so it's all an uphill run every dang day. I often work through weekends . . . I despair . . . At least there are still wonderful books and films around that allow us to escape, for a few hours, the sad daily realities that confront us. I hope that The Contest and Other Stories will be remembered as an interesting distraction and commentary about human nature in these perilous times.
The bad news is that I've placed publication further down the road. The good news is that the delay is short; pre-pub processes are in full motion, and Tootie-Do Press will release The Contest and Other Stories on Halloween!
UPCOMING - October 31, 2017!
A n d O t h e r S t o r i e s
We NEED - and VALUE - your assistance with our upcoming publication! The Contest and Other Stories fundraiser at Indiegogo has expired, but you can still pre-order the perks you see at the site. In fact, please order any of the campaign perks (good deals, all!) listed at the link above by e-mailing Tootie-Do Press at starstonelit at gmail dot com.
Of particular interest to many of our donors is the original early bird PDF at the low-low donation price of $5, which is available until publication day on Halloween - October 31, 2017. By ordering this or any other perk, you'll help fund the extra expenses associated with this customized artbook publication, and for that we are truly grateful! The press is run on less than a shoestring and from the pocket of the editor.
Because we now have our beautiful gothic cover in hand, we are re-formatting the early bird PDF (to better match cover) for the print publication. The Contest and Other Stories will be available in full-color and BW print softcover, as well an enhanced and BW ebooks. Eventually, we may offer a special edition hardcover.
We'd also love to receive honest reviews at Amazon, Goodreads, Smashwords, and other fine book emporiums after publication, so if you've read the collection, please take a moment to download a review at one of the sites. Indie authors and small presses depend upon reviews to survive!
::~The Story~::
Inspired by the works of international artists, this Young Adult - New Adult collection of nineteen spellbinding magical realist, paranormal, slipstream, dark fantasy, alternate history, and fabulist tales (with a connecting novella) is collaboratively authored by Joe DiBuduo and Kate Robinson.
Peter John Rizzo, a 1960 graduate of Yale University’s journalism program, inherits a floundering art magazine from his uncle, John Rizzo, with the provision that he must increase the circulation or forfeit all assets to creditors.
Peter Rizzo, Pete’s father, is a banker who scorns careers in the Arts and Humanities, and is jealous of his late brother’s influence upon his wife and son.
Classic Art Exposé’s devoted but unorthodox editorial assistant, Jason, and two university interns, sisters Shirley and Evie, help Pete start a monthly short story contest with artwork prompts, hoping to expand and save the business.
As the four friends publish the winning (and sometimes disturbing) stories over the following eighteen months, Pete battles his father’s attempts to ruin his business and his reputation, and in the process, discovers a sordid family secret. What else could possibly go astray?
“Cheater” first appeared in Western Weird, Volume 4, Manifest West Series, (Western Press Books - Western State Colorado University, 2015).
“Night CafĂ©” won the quarterly New Short Fiction Award (Jerry Jazz Musician, 2012).
“Lost Memories” first appeared in The Memory Eater (CP Anthologies, 2012).
“A Twisted Garden” first appeared as “The Yellow House” in Say Goodnight to the Bad Guy (May December Publications, 2011).
“The Snow Globe” first appeared in Best Served Cold: An Eye for An Eye (Runewright LLC, 2011).
Thank you, donors and readers for bearing with us during this long pre-pub process. We love you and we're quite excited to see the light at the end of the tunnel!
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Joe DiBuduo & Kate Robinson |